Monday, October 8, 2012


Energy Level: High
Grouchiness: Low
Bloating: less
Exercise: 1 hr floor ballet

So I've been not eating carbs for a few days now and I definitely feel better like I always do. I slept through the night! Yay! My energy level was fine all day.

One thing though, I got thrush in my mouth this morning and one side of my tongue is irritated. Those signs point to Heart Heat from a Chinese medicine standpoint. I've been trying to increase my "fire" by eating and drinking hot spices, so I think I need to back off that for a while until my system balances out.

By the evening, the thrush was gone, but my tongue is still irritated. I drank a Pitta cooling tea and it helped for a while. We'll see how this progresses.

The exercise felt good, but boy was I exhausted afterwards. I passed out around 8:30 and slept through the night.

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