Saturday, September 29, 2012


Energy Level: Med
Grouchiness: Low
Bloating: same
Exercise: none

I think I actually slept through the night for the first time in 5 days. I think. I can't remember though. But again, I had very vivid dreams.

My body didn't hurt when I woke up but I noticed I was SO thirsty. My entire body felt bone dry and I had drank 9 cups of water yesterday. I'm usually lucky if I drink 7 cups. So I don't know if that means my metabolism is speeding up... Please, please, please!

Felt better after drinking water, did my Limu shot around 10:30. Then got a tension headache. But I had a decent amount of energy. Suffered from some procrastination but that's just mental.

I do notice that I'm not craving sugar or carbs. Interesting. And if I think about sugar, I'm mostly uninterested. Hmm.

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